Dear friends
Today is a very pious day, Baisakhi, the' स्थापना दिवस' Of Sikhs, Vishu, the Bohag Bihu are all being celebrated across the country today. I am very sure, that all the celebrations will be from the homes and we will seek the blessings of our Gurus, while remaining indoors only. We will not cross the 'Lakshman rekha ' as promised.
Today is also the anniversary of ' Siachin operations ' ie moving of our troops in to the Siachin Glacier, the world's highest battlefield. The courageous soldiers of 4 Kumaon moved into our territory North of NJ 9842 ,to defend the Glacier. Our tribute to the valiant soldier of the 'Paltan 'in initially occupying the Siachen Glacier and many more martyrs, therafter who have sacrificed their lives to defend the territorial integrity of the country. This also happens to be the anniversary of Jallianwala Massacre by Gen Dyer. इन वीर सपूतों को हर भारतीय का शत् शत् नमन। आप का यह बलिदान भारत हमेशा याद रखेगा।
The corona infected people in the country continue to rise. The lockdown, however, has slowed down the rate of growth substantially. This has given our Administrative and medical authorities adequate time to prepare and handle the situation with ease and efficiency. The rise in cases presently is in arithmetic progression and not in geometric progression. इस सकारात्मक स्थिति के लिए हर भारतीय प्रशंसा का पात्र है जिसने जी जान लगाकर कर लॉकडाउन सफल बनाने में अपना योगदान दिया है।
I am now quite confident that we will win this war, the determination, resilience and commitment of the Indians is so praiseworthy that today as a Nation we are totally confident, that we can face any challenge and be victorious.
Pakistan, despite the Pendemic taking toll of the world including Pakistan , continues to indulge in cross border terrorism and ceasefire violations.It is targeting the civilian targets, which only cowards do. Yesterday, we lost three civilians including a child. We condemn these acts in the strongest terms. As if this dastardly act was not enough, there are reports that the Pakistan Army is pushing , Corona infected people into POK and Gilgit Baltistan. This is with a view to push them into our side of the LOC,as human bombs. यह कैसा देश है, जो इस तरह के कायरता पूर्ण हरकत करता है और अपने आप को अनुशासित आर्मी कहने की जुर्रत करता है। यह भारत का दुर्भाग्य है कि पाकिस्तान हमारा पड़ोसी देश है। हमको बहुत सचेत रहने की जरूरत है। मुझे पूरा विश्वास है कि भारतीय सेना मुंहतोड़ जवाब देने में पूरी तरह सक्षम है और हम पाकिस्तान की इन नापाक हरकतों का जबाव पूरी दृढ़ता और मजबूती से देंगे।
कल जो पटियाला में हुआ, वह भी बहुत निंदनीय है, कोई भी भारतीय या धार्मिक गुट इस तरह का अपराध करता है तो उसे कठोर से कठोर दंड दिया जाये। मुझे खुशी है कि हर जिम्मेदार आदमी ने इस कृत्य की घोर निन्दा और विरोध किया है।
The increase in number of Corona infected cases in J&K is a matter of serious concern. The authorities must be taking note of this and investingating the reasons there of. This is a very sensitive UT and we need to ensure that there is no outside interference in creating a problem there.
Our Hon'ble PM,has initiated a 'PM CARES' fund to collect funds to meet the unprecedented situation and fight the Corona Virus. What a tragedy! ,that there are people who even want to go for a PIL in Supreme Court against this. I feel that, there are some advocates who only earn their living by fighting such cases and waste the very precious time of the Supreme Court. अब समय आ गया है जब हर भारतीय को इसके विरोध में अपनी आवाज उठानी पड़ेगी। हम इस तरह की देश विरोधी गतिविधियों को कभी भी पनपने नहीं दे सकते। उच्चतम न्यायालय ने इस मामले में अपना मत बिल्कुल साफ करना पड़ेगा और इन वकीलों के विपरीत सख्त से सख्त कार्रवाई करनी होगी।
The 'Exit Plan' is being discussed and being considered at the highest levels. Our beloved PM has now defined the aim as' जान भी जहान भी' . It's an extremely well thought of decision. We need to ensure that some business activity, specially in the unorganised sector( like daily wagers) takes place in the earliest timeframe. There is, however a word of caution here.In an attempt to provide relief,it should not happen that we go overboard and open up too many sectors without due thought. We have achieved a lot by enforcing the lockdown at the right time and in an extremely effective manner. Let's not be in too much of hurry.It's better to be overcautious ,than repent later. The people's trust and belief in our PM is so much that on his one call they will go through the lockdown for a little longer time. My humble request to all the recommending authorities is ,not to put any pressure on our PM to relax norms in hurry.
दिल दिया है जां भी देंगे ऐ वतन ( मोदी जी)तेरे लिए ।
यह भारत हमको जान से भी प्यारा है,हम इसको कभी भी आंच नहीं आने देंगे। पूरे समर्पण भाव से हम सब मिलकर देश के लिए अपना सर्वस्व बलिदान कर देगै। हम त्याग ,तपस्या और संयम का एक ऐसा इतिहास रचेंगे जो पूरे विश्व के लिए मिसाल होगी। इस देश की आजादी को हम हरगिज़ मिटा सकते नहीं,सर कटा सकते हैं लेकिन सर झुका सकते नहीं। हम शीश नहीं झुकने देंगे हम देश नहीं मिटने देंगे। भारत को हम सब मिलकर विश्व में तुंग शिखर पर ले जायेंगे। झंडा ऊंचा रहे हमारा।
In the end my heartfelt thanks and sincere compliments to all the Covid warriors who are leading from the front and putting their lives in the line of fire. शत् शत् नमन। आपके इस जज्बे को सलाम। जय हिन्द जय भारत। हम होंगे कामयाब
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