Plagan.com invites entries from young Chaturvedi Boys and girls to exhibit their creative acumen and win prize(s) in following categories.
- Articles
- Stories / plays
- Cartoons / drawings
The winners of the contest will get a reward of Rs.5000/- with a certificate of recognition. The rules of the contest are as under:
- Participant should be a member of Shri Mathur Chaturvedi Community
- He/ She should be aged between 18 to 25
- Article/Story/Play/Cartoon should relate to present day concerns of society in general. These could be based on Social, Cultural, Religious, Based on scriptures, Historical or literary issues.
- Entries should be in Hindi or English. These should be original and unpublished. The language should be socially acceptable and should not hurt anyone’s religious or cultural sentiments.
- Last date to receive entries is 02/05/2020.
- To participate register or login on www.palagan.com. Submit the article in article section. Upload the relevant image with the article.
- All entries will be published on website after approval of the site administrator.
- There could be more than one prizes in each section subject to decision of evaluation committee.
- Decision of evaluation committee would be final and confidential.
- While registering give complete details about yourself, your family, Your academic, professional achievements along with your picture. These detail will be available to all the members registered with the website.
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