6 Apr
Dear friends, the Unity in Diversity, the greatest strength of Our Nation was at displayed at its outstanding best yesterday, when across the length and breadth of the country 130 crs Indians, stood in unison and lit up the दीया, मोमबत्ती, टोर्च, मोबाइल to express solidarity with the Nation. The happiness on each Indian was seen to be believed. There,was resolve and the determination,that we will together win this war , while at the same time , gratitude to the people, the Medicos, Paramedics, essential services staff ,sanitation workers, the railways ,the airlines, the Bankers, the scientists ,the farmers, the police, the PMF ,Govt servants , the Armed Forces and many more who are leading the fight from the front and putting their lives in the line of fire to save the people of India. It made every Indian proud,' सारे जहां से अच्छा हिंदुस्तान हमारा'।
The true India was reflected in it's true dimensions and spirit , everyone ,made a promise to the Nation that we are together and with dedication, discipline,courage and, compassion we will fight together to defeat the 'Corona' virus. I am convinced now, that we have got over TJ, and moving ahead.
Yesterday,at the Line of Control in J&k and in another Anti terrorist operations in the valley,we lost our five 'वीर सपूत '.These Martyrs were defending the territorial integrity of the Nation. इनकी शहादत को शत् शत् नमन। ऐ मेरे वतन के लोगों ज़रा आंख में भर लो पानी जो शहीद हुए हैं उनकी ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी।
This is what is Bharat,these soldiers were deployed for the Nation far away from their families, despite the threat of virus even to their families they were doing their duties. इस से बड़ी कुर्बानी देश के लिए क्या होगी?. आप ( soldiers) के जज्बे को सलाम , हम तुम्हें कभी भूला न पायेंगे।
Ladies and Gentlemen, there is lots of relief aid and food being distributed both by the Govt and the good Samaritans. Let's take a pledge that each and every penny will be rightfully utilised and given honestly and sincerely to the poor and needy. The Nation will not pardon you ,if you do not come up to the highest standards of integrity. हम सब मिलकर प्रतीज्ञा करें कि हम भारत की प्रतिष्ठा और आन में कोई दाग़ नहीं लगने देंगे।
I was so happy to read yesterday that US President is requesting for help from India. Please, don't take it as arrogance but definitely it filled me with pride for the fact that status of our country and our Hon'ble PM has gone up many notches. India today matters in the comity of Nation. I have no doubt, our Govt will consider the request positively considering all aspects comprehensively. यह, भारत हमै जान से भी प्यारा है। Let's feel the togetherness and the wellbeing of the people.
There has been an incidence in one of the very important and strategic cantonment of the country where some TJ members were hiding, with the connivance of the locals there,one of them a practising Doctor. However,it was also a vigilant citizen who suspected and reported, resulting in their apprehension and subsequent hospitalisation. This averted a major catastrophe in the cantonment. Therefore, request all Indians to be vigilant and act as very responsible citizens. अपनी आजादी को हम हरगिज़ मिटा सकते नहीं।
A very Happy Mahavir jayanti to all the Indians.May lord Mahavir bless us all and we take inspiration from him to be good citizens. Lord Mahavir is an apostle of त्याग तपस्या और बलिदान,हम सब भी उनका अनुसरण करें।
Once again my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all the Covid warriors who are going beyond the call of duty and putting their lives in the line of fire.आपकी निष्ठा और बलिदान को नमन।
Seeing the resolve and willpower of each Indian,I have no doubt that together we will fight and win in this war against Corona virus. Ham honge kamyab ,Jai Hind,Jai Hind ki Sena. दिल दिया है जां भी देंगे,ऐ वतन तेरे लिए। जय हिन्द
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