5 Apr
Dear friends, it's with a deep sense of anguish that I write today . A very noble appeal by the Hon'ble PM to light a candle torch, mobile or a दीया to express our solidarity with the people of India was also made a matter of controversy. Some ,so called intellectuals trying to misguide the innocent people of the Country that it will lead to a grid failure, knowing fully well that there are exceptionally well qualified and experienced technical experts whose total job is to ensure it doesn't happen. Don't we in 'earth hours' do it. Let these experts resolve it, they are meant for it. We had a power minister of a very large State misguiding the people, who had the temerity to come on the National TV and saying he will not follow the appeal of the PM . मंत्री जी कल आप बहुत छोटे लग रहे थे। देश की जनता की नजरों में आप गिर गये। जो मंत्री देश के साथ कंधे से कंधा मिलाकर खड़ा नहीं हो सकता वह जनता की क्या सेवा करेगा। कहां गए वो लोग?,शहीद भगत सिंह, राजगुरु और सुखदेव,जो देश के लिए हंसते हंसते कुर्बान हो गये। आज उनकी आत्मा जरूर बहुत दुखी होगी।
I want to compliment number of our corporate people, specially Ratan Tata who has gladly given his 5 star hotel for the Doctors and other staff so that they could do their duties more efficiently. There are numerous children who have opened their' golaks ' and donated their life time savings/ collections for the needy and for the 'PM Cares' Fund. This is the real India, which lives for others, भारत त्याग तपस्या और बलिदान की धरती है, यह दानवीर दधीचि, कर्ण, हरीश चंद्र और सती सावित्री का देश है
We will, together,the 130 crs Indians, ensure, 'come what may,' the Nation is victorious, भारत विजयी होगा।
I must compliment the migrant workers, who despite undergoing tremendous difficulties due to lockdown, never spoke a word against the Govt, they were only asking for some help. That fills us with pride, Let's not forget the soldiers who despite all this ,are still deployed and defending the borders, and ensuring the sanctity and territorial integrity of the Nation.They are away from their families, the loved ones and yet carrying out their duties with utmost sincerity and dedication. भारत इन्हीं वीर सपूतों से सुरक्षित है।
I can't understand the reason,why the main opposition party has an objection to every move of the Govt.The time has now come, when we need to find another word for the term ' opposition parties,' probably as the name suggests these parties think their only job is to oppose every move and action of the Govt. Let's call the opposition parties 'सहयोगी पार्टी' and the ruling party 'सत्तारूढ़ पार्टी'.May be it brings in the change, drill in some sense in the main opposition parties, and they start cooperating with the Govt on National Issues.
Dear friends, let it be very clear that the present situation is very serious. We are fighting a war, where enemy is an invisible virus who does not follow any boundaries and also does not discriminate between any caste creed region religion language, dress ,food habits etc, We as Indians have to fight together to ensure that we win.Please follow the guidelines, rules, regulations and the Lockdown in all sincerity. We will succeed,I have no doubt.
Symbols have a very great role to play, otherwise why have our, National Flag and the Anthem.I still remember the effect of war cries,'aayo Gurkhali ('आयो गुरखाली'),since I was with a Gorkha Battalion in 1971 war,it sent a different lightening current through the body of each soldier to do his best for the Paltan.( I can't explain the effect in words, but it was out of the world). Even the song ' झंडा ऊंचा रहे हमारा,विजयी विश्व तिरंगा प्यारा' या फिर' सारे जहां से अच्छा हिंदुस्तान हमारा' ,यह सब जो जज्बा पैदा करते हैं वह अतुल्यनीय है अविश्वसनीय है( शब्दों में बयां करना मुश्किल है)
Dear friends, today we have to rise above everything for the Nation, leave all our differences behind, together we work to defeat this deadly virus. I again say , each Indian is a Soldier in this war and we all have to contribute to ensure we win .There is no scope for mistakes now. We have done it in the past we will do it again for our beloved Nation. 'सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में, देखना है ज़ोर कितना बाजुएं कातिल ( करोना)में है ।
Finally, सब भारत वासियों से निवेदन है कि आज शाम 9 बजे 9 मिनट तक दीया, मोमबत्ती, टोर्च, मोबाइल देश वासियों के समर्थन और देश की प्रभुता में जलायेंगे। मुझे पूरी उम्मीद है इसमें हर भारतीय शामिल होगा।
My heartfelt thanks and compliments to all the Medicos, Paramedics ,essential services staff , sanitation workers, the railways ,airlines staff ,the scientists, farmers, journalists ,Police , PMF, Govt servants, the Armed Forces and many more unknown Soldier who are leading from the front putting their lives in the line of fire.शत शत् नमन
Ham honge kamyab Jai Hind,Jai Hind ki Sena विजयी विश्व तिरंगा प्यारा
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