2 Apr
Dear friends,at the very outset I wish everyone a very Happy Ramnavmi.May Lord Ram bless us please remember, we need to celebrate from our homes only.
It has been a very critical last 24 hours. More than 400 corona positive cases have been detected, most of these cases have linkages to Nizamuddin.I was extremely happy to see most of our muslim ( I hate to classify but to drill home a point I am doing) Leaders have condemned the act and demanded strictest action, except one whom we can pardon. This I feel is the greatest strength of our Nation.
This is a criminal act of highest magnitude ,to cause a severe damage to the society and the Nation. Till yesterday I thought that the act was due to negligence, but now I am getting more and more convinced that it was deliberate with a sinister aim to fail the Nation. Let everyone understand that Nation is above all including the religion. देश की सेवा और देश के कानून, नियम, और संविधान का पालन करना हर भारतीय का धर्म है। Yesterday,I heard some people saying that it is given in religious books, let it we clear once the Govt issues guidelines and regulations thereafter it is the religious duty of every Indian to ensure that we follow and implement the directions
Time has now come to declare certain areas as 'disturbed' and call the PMF , give them powers to ensure lockdown. I don't recommend Army as they have an extremely important job of maintaining the sanctity and integrity of the Nation.
A request to the Policemen, you have shown velvet gloves ( human face) till now, but this is required only for the humans, please use the iron fist for those acting against humanity.
A humble request to all manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies, please don't compromise on quality, don't look for profit,serve the people, otherwise the Nation and the humanity will never pardon you.
I saw an advertisement which read , food for workers from a particular state is catered for at certain places,I am sure the CM is not aware of this. Please, immediately correct it,it should read all Indians, that is what' Bharat 'is.
It's the beginning of the month, please pay your workers,maids, servants,security, housekeeping personnel for the complete month. Its our onerous duty to look after them
प्यारे देश वासियों, यह कठिन समय है,हम सबने साथ मिलकर देश को विजयी बनाना है।
This is the time when we have to ask ourselves what can I do for the Country.Please do not ask what the country has done for you, say what you can and will do for the country.
We were doing extremely well in fighting this war,but for one incidence. The world was looking towards us for guidance. The world leaders were asking our PM for guidance and help. But the Nizamuddin incident has shaken every Indian.Let it not overtake us, please get over with it, and take a pledge that with a firm resolve and stronger determination , we will not let these people win. ' When the going gets tough, the tough get going' should be our dictum. हम सब मिलकर, देश के लिए सबकुछ बलिदान कर देगै लेकिन देश को विजयी बनायेंगे।'हम देश नहीं मिटने देंगे, हम शीश नहीं झुकने' देंगे।
Let's together fight and make our PM's objective of saving the people ,a success. Please follow Lockdown in Toto.
Once again my sincere salute and नमन to all the Medicos, paramedics, the essential services staff, the sanitation workers, the railways, the airlines staff, the journalists, the scientists, the farmers, police, the PMF, the govt servants and the Armed Forces and many more unsung heroes for putting their lives in the line of fire. हमारा आभार,हम आपके त्याग के आगे नतमस्तक हैं।
We will together win this war and make our Bharat proud. Jai Hind Jai Hind ki Sena
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