1 Apr
Yesterday,Dear Friends,I was pained and anguished, but now request everyone that, we need to get over it and move ahead to do our duties and play our part as a soldier of India. This is a very different war, where, our enemy is a virus, who does not follow any boundaries, doesn't differentiate between rich and a poor, doesn't recognise any caste creed region religion language,dress, food habits etc. Therefore, each Indian irrespective of caste creed region religion language dress food habits etc has to be part of the fight against this virus. let's, therefore be together as a soldier of the Nation and fight this war.
Despite the setback,we can still win this fight. Our Hon' ble PM has clearly spelt out the Priority,' The People, first, economy later'.The objective of the Govt in no uncertain terms, is save the countrymen, 'अगर देश वासी रहेंगे, तो देश रहेगा'.In military terms we call it clarity of thoughts, with no ambiguity. My humble request to all Indians is to be part of the war as a soldier and follow the Lockdown at any cost, and motivate others to do the same. We can still bring the rate of increase of positive cases down in% terms and continue bringing it down till it reaches zero by 10 Apr.
A request to each of my friends is to use the word 'शारीरिक दूरी' , instead of social distancing as it is easily understood by the masses.
I would also like to request everyone not to treat yesterday's incidence on communal lines. It's a Group of Indians who have acted most irresponsibly, indulged in criminal act to harm the society. This is unpardonable and strictest action should be taken against all those responsible for such criminal neglect and dereliction of duties.One,is so happy that all right thinking Indians have condemned the act( including number of our muslim brothers).I can only explain this by my command experience in the Army.I had Sikhs and Ahirs in my Unit, with a very few Muslims, when, there was Ramzan,Eid we ensured special food as per the customs,gave them time, others did extra duties for them, but when anyone of them did anything wrong, they were treated like any other soldier of my unit in accordance with the law.. This is the best I can request all to treat yesterday's incidence.
A special compliments to our scientists, the research scholars who are working over time to come up with the right solutions for testing kits, ventilators,PPE, vaccine,medicines etc. You make us all proud.
Also our friends from the Media need to be complimented who are working with total responsibility, as if it's war, and creating the awareness and motivating the people to participate in the war as a soldier. Heartfelt compliments to them.
A point again regarding ethical practices for our, Pharmaceutical companies, please do not produce substandard equipment and medicines. Also to shopkeeper, to please do not hoard,in this the individual hoarding should also be totally discouraged.Ther is enough for everyone, please share. The humanity will not excuse us if we don't rise above our Self. त्याग तपस्या का समय है, सेवा परमो धर्म में जुट जाएं। सन्तोष ओर संयम रखें।
Please also do not indulge in rumours mongering, it's unpardonable. Please follow the ICMR and the Govt data and information. Rest all is not authenticated.
आज समय है , जब हम देश की सेवा में अपना योगदान कर सकते हैं। आओ, हम-सब कंधे से कंधा मिलाकर एक साथ चले, और देश व देश वासियों को बचाने में अपना सहयोग करें और इस यज्ञ में सब मिलकर अपनी आहुति दें। हम जरूर विजयी होंगे।
We are lucky to have a strong and decisive PM, who without hesitation is working tirelessly for the People, let's play our part.
My heartfelt salute once again to the Medicos, Paramedics, essential services staff, sanitation workers, the railways, the airlines staff, the govt servants, the Police, the PMF, the journalists the scientists, the farmers and the Armed Forces who have put their lives in the lines of fire and are leading from the front. Shat Shat Naman.
I have no doubt that we will look ahead with positivity and together we will win this war. Ham honge kamyab,Jai Hind Jai Hind ki Sena
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