31 March
My Dear friends, today I write with lots of pain and anguish. What,one saw in Nizamuddin yesterday was beyond my imagination. How can, some of our countrymen be so irresponsible? There is something which is not correct. When the country is under lockdown, congregation of more than 20 people is prohibited,all schools,colleges are closed, people from abroad and suspect cases are under quarantine,how can we have a Jamaat continuing? You can't be so irresponsible. Some of these people have also traveled to Srinagar, Hyderabad,Chennai,Patna and one doesn't know where all. The result is that,these people have infected many in these places. Few of them have come from South East Asian Nations, khrygistan etc where Corona is well threatening.
We were till yesterday,due to the timely decision of our honorable PM doing pretty well in controlling the virus and in% terms reducing the increase everyday ,but suddenly due to this unpardonable act of few of us, the increase in % terms has doubled. This is self inflicted. Apart from the individuals,in this case I also think that the Police and the administration have lot to answer. This is a very serious war, ladies and gentlemen. Police and Administrative Authorities are not there to only show your human face, you also have to be strong and take strictest action against such defauters,(I am not using a stronger word) and put such people behind bars on most serious ot charges. No-one has the right to put others life and Nation in danger. When all schools colleges are closed, how can a Jamaat be permitted to function and endanger others life.
As I have earlier said, this is war, and everyone of us is a Soldier, We have to contribute by following all guidelines rules and regulations and motivate others to do the same. We all can not live in 'peace time mode', we have to mobilise and see the seriousness of the issue and the situation.यह ,त्याग, तपस्या और बलिदान का समय है और हम सबको इस मै अपना योगदान करना है। कृपया अपने कर्त्तव्य का निर्वाह करें।
I think, time has come, when we need to redefine Democracy,it can not be laissez-faire, we have to perform our duties first to be entitled to any rights. Therefore, there is a need to define Fundamental Duties in the Constitution.
'सेवा परमो धर्म' हम सबका मूल मंत्र होना चाहिए। हमको दूसरौ के ,समाज और देश के बारे में सोचना चाहिए।
Some politicians have still not realised the gravity of the situation and are indulging in politics from the safe environment of their homes, my humble request to them is that these are unprecedented times and please rise above your politics and support the Nation and the Govt.Our PM has clearly defined' people first and economy later,' let's follow him .There is no other option, but the total lockdown, let's make it a success. The world is now following us. Let's be together and make it a success. Let these politicians know that if people do not survive with whom will you indulge in your politics. So work for the people, look after them, motivate them to follow the Lockdown , to ensure that we succeed so that you can do your politics . Let it be absolutely clear that Corona is invisible enemy ,follows no boundaries and also does not differentiate between rich, poor,caste creed region religion language, so my humble request is that we all pledge to follow the Lockdown to win this war.
We have another important festival coming in a couple of days, Dear countrymen, please celebrate at home and remain within the 'Maryada'by not crossing the Laxman Rekha. Our Lord will definitely Bless us.
There is still time let's be responsible and play our part as a great soldier of Hind ki Sena.
My greatest salutation and complements once again to the Medicos, Paramedics, essential services staff, sanitary workers,Police,PMF, Govt servants, railways,bus drivers the Armed Forces and many more who have put their lives in the line of fire.शत , शत् नमन। With each Indian together, We will win, Ham honge kamyab,Jai Hind Jai Hind ki Sena
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