30 March
I must compliment a large part of our population who have accepted the Lockdown in the right spirit and following the guidelines, rules and regulations in the true spirit. Others should follow and make it 100% success.The greatest tenet of our democracy is accountability, which imposes upon each one of us to be self disciplined. Being a soldier I can with conviction say we have a long battle ahead, let's be together, positive and be supportive of each other and of the Govt actions.
It's a Health emergency, the priority of the Govt is clear 'people first economy later'. In Armed Forces ,at planning stage , lots of views emerge,and the commander after discussions takes a( one) decision,once the decision is taken everyone is part of the decision taken, and irrespective of the personal views, everyone gets involved with the decision taken and puts in, his best, to achieve the goal.That's what each one of us must do.
This is the time, when we have to create the structure to meet the contingency arising out of the surge,move and place the test kits, medical eqpt,ventilators etc at places within easy reach and within a short turnaround time. Ambulance trains to be suitably located. Also plans for absorbing the additional doctors, paramedics and other essential personnel need to be made. I have no doubt the Govt including the States Government is siezed of the requirements and doing the needful. Security of Hospitals, shelter homes ,Langars be also ensured. For this Govt may involve the PMF.
Request the pharmaceutical companies to produce the right quality of medicines, no compromise on quality, please, the humanity will not excuse us if we produce substandard medicines. What Chinese companies did is abhorable.
Also request all countrymen, please do not hoard individually, share the paucity ,it will give you immense satisfaction. I am reminded of the famous कबीरदास जी का दोहा ' गज धन ,गोधन ,बाजधन( अन्न) ओर रतन धन खान ,जब आये सन्तोष धन ,सब धन धूरि समान '. Let's be satisfied and feel the happiness.I am sure We have enough for everyone, let's share.
Armed Forces go through such lockdown on quite a regular basis,since every Indian in this war is a Soldier, let's go through it with sincerity and commitment. ' When the going gets tough, the tough get going' is the mantra for us all Indians.We will do it and win this war. I have no doubt each Indian will be Rana Pratap, Shivaji,Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Krishna Raje, Maj Parmeshwaran, Hari Singh Nalwa ,Abdul Hamid, Tarapore, Albert Ekka and many more such warriors.
Lets do India proud and teach to the world the true meaning of ' Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam' Be positive, be together,care for each other and be Happy.Each Indian to be an Indian Soldier in this fight and be a winner for the Nation
My heartfelt salute and compliment again to the Medicos, the paramedics, the essential services staff, the sanitation workers, the Bankers the railways staff, the Govt servants, the Police, the PMF, the Armed Forces who are leading this fight and have put their lives in the line of duty for the Nation' in true spirit of NDA motto' Service Before Self' .Shat Shat Naman.We will win, Ham honge kamyab,Jai Hind Jai Hind ki Sena
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