29 March
Dear friends, yesterday what one saw at the borders of Delhi is not what one wants it to happen. The aim should have been to keep these people, where ever they are and look after them. The confidence would have come if local representative had ensured that they get the basic necessities at places they were staying ie food, water, electricity and assurance they will not be asked to vacate the accommodation. Alternatively they could have been shifted to various schools and all logistics catered for.
If, after all this also some wanted to go home, the CMs of UP,Bihar,MP, Haryana, Rajasthan would have been spoken to and arrangements co-ordinated.We need to learn a lot from this and ensure that this doesn't happen again. Mr Raghav Chadda needs to be more responsible and not tweet to get some political points. He is young and needs to learn a lot, these are very sensitive times,no politics here please.
You have shown patience, resilience, determination and I request all Indians to be together. As I said yesterday,in this war everyone is a Soldier and is required to play his part,ie observe total LOCKDOWN. This is the time for 'स्वैच्छिक अनुशासन'.Please follow all the guidelines, rules regulations and advisories.यह त्याग तपस्या और बलिदान का समय है और हम सबको इस मै अपना योगदान देना है। आप की आहुति बहुत ही जरूरी है।
We need to look ahead and Government needs to plan ahead to ensure that supply chain is maintained,we plan for the sowing of Kharif crops,and give incentives to Farmers in terms of free seeds,manure, electricity and water. Also the harvesting of wheat is not yet completed, the same needs to be smoothly done. So is the potatoes crop,plan for their move to Cold storage.
There may be many others issues like this ,which need to be planned:,I have no doubt the Government including the States are planning for the same.
We are a resource deficient Nation, We have no other option but to follow the lockdown. It has already started showing some positive results,in %terms the spread of Virus is reducing,let's make it to zero.
Be positive, We will together win this war and will make our country proud in the eyes of the world. The PM has clearly defined his priorities, People first economy later. If we succeed, which We will, We will rebuild our Nation economically also.जान है-तो जहान है,is how PM has conveyed his priority.
Once again a big salute to the leaders in the war, the Doctors, the medical staff, the essential services staff, the sanitary workers, the Police , the PMF, the Armed Forces, the Govt servants and many more who have put their lives in the line of fire, शत् शत् नमन. We will win this war Together. Ham honge kamyab Jai Hind Jai Hind ki Sena
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