Dear friends, it's been a very hectic last 24 hours, with both our Medical Fraternity and the intelligence agencies trying to tackle the damage done by the TJ incident. I think the damage has been beyond our comprehension,much beyond expected. The leaders after driving the misguided people to almost death are now absconding like cowards. I exhort all Indians to get over this at the earliest and with a still stronger resolve get on with our noble duty to defeat the virus by following the guidelines rules and regulations for the lockdown.' इतनी शक्ति हमें देना दाता, मन का विश्वास कमजोर हो ना'.
We will together will win this war.
Let no-one try and demoralise us,we are a 130 crs Indians with very high ethical and moral values we can never get defeated.
One is a little disappointed by the reaction of political parties especially the main opposition party who are trying to teach a duly elected PM, who has almost 14 yrs of experience as CM and another 5 yrs plus as a PM, as to what he is required to speak to the people. I urge these leaders to have some sense,and see the criticality of the issue. The most important job of the PM in such warlike situations is to keep the people and the soldiers motivated , together and keep the morale at its highest.The PM is doing the same. You can read from history, take Churchill, Lincoln, Rommel, Montgomery,
Auchinleck, Slim,and our FM, Sam Manekshaw, Sagat Singh,Harbaksh,Jacob and Shastri ji, Indira Ji, Atal ji ,When they talked to the people during those critical days it was only inspirational,to motivate and to unite the country. The details were given by the relevant officials. Remember, Kargill, everyday briefing by MO and MEA. I took part in 1971 war. Number of commanders came including Sam Manekshaw to meet and address us, when they talked to troops it was only motivational.The details were discussed in war/ operations rooms. Atal ji was only motivating and inspiring the country during Kargil. So was Gen Ved Malik. The same is happening today everyday ,there is briefing both at Central and State levels to give details of every possible aspects. Making a simple gesture of lighting a lamp/ candle meant for expressing solidarity of the country, an issue is just not understood. The history will not pardon these leaders. What was gentlemen ? ' स्वराज मेरा जन्म सिद्ध अधिकार है', या' तुम मुझे खून दो मैं तुम्हें आजादी दूंगा' या फिर गांधी जी का चरखा चलाना। They were symbols to motivate people of India. If these leaders think they are getting some browny points, they are mistaken, they are becoming irrelevant. Please appreciate the seriousness of the situation and be together to fight this war. Show your support.
I once again reiterate that we are a resource deficient Nation and the only option to fight this virus is prevention. Our Hon'ble PM has clearly defined the priority, the people first and rest everything later.'जान है तो जहान है' । Let's follow him and ensure that the lockdown is followed in Toto. We will succeed, I have no doubts. We have to sacrifice for our country ' ऐ मेरे प्यारे वतन ऐ मेरे बिछड़े
चमन तुझ पर दिल कुर्बान'.। हम सबको मिलकर अपने देश के लिए त्याग तपस्या और बलिदान का एक इतिहास लिखना है।
We will succeed, the history will praise Indians and our PM, have trust and faith in him. We all , together as Indians will light a lamp ( 'दीया)', candle,torch or mobile on Sunday 5 Apr at 9 PM for 9 minutes in accordance with the appeal made by our Hon'ble PM
In the end, I once again express my gratitude and appreciation to the Medicos, paramedics, the essential services staff, the sanitation workers, the railways, the airlines staff, the scientists the farmers, the journalists, the Police, the PMF, the Govt servants, the Armed Forces and many more who are leading from the front in fighting this war ,.शत शत् नमन। Ham honge kamyab, Together we will win. Jai Hind Jai Hind ki Sena.
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