The Saga of Life

The Saga of Life
~Vaibhavi Chaturvedi

Journeys through a song..
Journeys through a movie..
Life is a mystery.. a beautiful Discovery!

Journeys can be fictional
Like when we we’re dreaming in our sleeps
Or bold and voracious
Like witnessing molten lava peeps!

Journey through a time machine..
Journey through a movie scene..
They’re all suspenseful, exciting and adventurous
Even if unreal or assumptious!

Life is a journey
So sweet and balmy
We can inspire and support
And create loving anecdotes!

It could be a trip to space..
With constellations surrounding your whole headspace
Or through the sagious words of a messiah
Residing in the Himalayas!!

The odyssey of being born in this world
Becoming a child and then an adult
Then getting old and then being a child again
Albeit with wisdom and nothing to feign!

We travel ..we unravel
The joys, the pains along the tollage
Witnessing Landscapes picturesque and vintage
And sometimes a voyage into the pretty foliage!
Rafting, Hiking, cruise and trek
Are some ways of reaching your passage..
And meeting people..maybe even the Aztec!

The way the sun shines in different places
The way our mind feels in different phases
The way it fills up our empty spaces..
The way it forces tears to rush down our faces!

It’s about the excitement when you walk into one..
The sadness when you say goodbye to all the fun.
The euphoria when you feel like you’re floating on the clouds
The playfulness when you inhale the chilly mist with your mouth!!

In the journey of life leave a trace
Through your virtuous deeds which none can replace.
Like how the animals in the Safari through the Sahara
Roam around the wilderness with their original faces and no mascara
They gallop, they swing, they slither and hop
Wandering around over and under the dancing crops!!

When you reach to maybe a no man's land
And call it home even if it’s thousands of miles away from your birthing strand!
The cycle of journey never ends
From the time you take birth in this world
Till the time your soul leaves you - the Mother’s ‘Pearl’
The journey keeps going on and on wherever you are.. on ground or up above
Because You are the journey in itself which will never submerge!

The expedition of a detective for example..
Never ends because it’s just one key to another
Not knowing what you’re going to uncover..
Perhaps a chance to meet with a spy going undercover!!

Journey of a lifetime..
Even if through a story read to us in our bedtime
Shows us the beauty of the world
And also the hurdles one must unfurl.
A book could represent the evils of the infernal
But also depict morals to increase our wisdom through the journal.
Only through our journey and experience we understand the rights and the wrongs
And how it portrays that we are responsible for our actions all along!

The journey is too short to quarrel
To be wrongful or immoral
We should forgo impropriety
And live with humbleness and piety!

Vaibhavi Chaturvedi