If you wish to be quiet... You be. There's nothing in this world that holds more importance than your peace of mind. And trust me, if someone is offended for your abrupt behavior, you may be able to explain a lot better, when you are at peace, and it is best for everyone that you take care of yourself first, maybe at least sometimes focus on yourself first.
When you wish to be quiet, it is probably your soul's way of telling you to hug it for some time. After all, we barely care about souls in our daily lives and it needs our attention and care too. Sometimes you may be angry on someone and thus to recollect the circumstances and digest the condition that might have revealed in front of you. In that particular situation as well, it's important to take time for yourself, else a rushed use of words may lead to misunderstanding and clashes.
If you think that you can count the number of people who understand your silence, on your fingers, you are not alone. It's just normal to be yourself and if 'people' call you names or give you titles as "Arrogant" , "Mean", "Self-centered", one simple question to ask yourself is that does it matter? And what would happen if you start comforting their expectations while being at war within... You will neither be there nor here and that is worst situation mentally and physically to be in.
If you too are in such situation, take a deep breath, and believe that your soul will one day free you to brighten up the day and you'll be content with yourself that day. Have patience, it will come for you too...
Do comment if you think I might have missed something.
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