Coronavirus (Covid-19) and Senior Citizens
Coronavirus is deadly disease affecting the entire humanity of the world. This disease is transmitted from human to human. Disaster of coronavirus pandemic are not confined to specific geographic territories neither any rank or gender and age. In India, the virus has come from foreign sources through travellers infected. Coronavirus has affected more than 5 million people all over the world and more than one lac people are affected in India, with more than 3000 deaths.
Senior citizens and vayobradha are the most affected, resulting in deaths due to their old age and low immunity. This is the reason they are advised to stay in home and follow the restrictions and guidelines more rigidly during the period of lockdown. Majority of senior citizens are retired from various organizations and depend on meager sources of income on the mercy of their wards or relatives. They belong to middle class families except a few affluent persons. They have always been the law abiding citizens who paid their taxes and dues to the govt. Their contribution to the govt. and society cannot be compensated. During this pandemic period, there is no support from any source to help them in longevity and welfare, thus they are most affected due to their old age and low immunity.
The right to life is a fundamental right. It is said that God helps those who help themselves. Therefore, the aged persons and senior citizens have to be self-dependent and look after themselves and take care of their health with the least dependency on others. Patients with pre-existing heart diseases and diabetes etc. are at a greater risk of developing serious Covid-19 infection. Therefore, the aged persons and senior citizens have to fight the deadly disease with active ageing and social distancing till its vaccine or treatment is found. The pandemic has devastated the economy, health care systems, organizations and people. In the lockdown period, senior citizens are locked down and their life is disrupted, their regular lifestyle has changed and they stare at an uncertain future for themselves and their loved ones. This has caused anxiety, fear, stress and traumas which has aggravated their pre-existing diseases. Therefore, the govt. and society has to take care and urgently address the mental health care needs and encourage the aged to lead an active and healthy life style and awareness towards their health and treatment. Although many countries have developed some vaccine and treatment but according to experts this disease will not be eradicated soon and remain like other diseases. The only temporary relief and spreading can be checked by social distancing.
The ICMR and experts have recommended and issued guidelines to protect aged persons from infection and deadly virus Covid-19. The senior citizens and aged persons must follow these guidelines and take following steps to protect themselves and thus lead an active and healthy life:
- Pay complete attention towards own health and increase your immunity by exercise, pranayama, anlom-vilom, meditation, kapalbharti etc.
- . In the morning pray to God that by his grace I have lived and continue to live a healthy life.
- Be vegetarian and take the intake of a lot of water and fluid preferably hot water. Avoid cold drinks and ice cream.
- Take fresh and seasonal fruits, vegetables, and dry fruits to increase immunity. Take fruits and vegetables with vitamin C and D.
- Have at least 7 hours of sleep.
- Prefer naturopathy and medicines helpful to maintain vigor and immunity. Use of Ayush Kaada, haldi, black pepper and lavung are elpful to increase the immunity.
- Postpone travel abroad for 2 years and domestic travel for at least 6 months unless it is very emergent and do not take unnecessary travel trips.
- Do not go to unnecessary marriages and other similar gatherings and ceremonies.
- Do not eat outside food in restaurants, hotels, etc. for one year.
- Avoid going to crowded places like cinema halls, malls, metro, markets, parks, etc.
- Religiously maintain and follow complete social distancing with face masks and hand gloves. Take tissue papers and sanitizers when you go outside.
- Download Arogya Setu app in your mobile and stay away from a person who has cough or fever and do not let any mess around you.
- Be very careful while at barbershop or beauty salon/parlor. Preferable take your towel with you.
- Clean your hands twice with soap and legs when you come home from outside. When you feel you have come across or nearer to any suspected patient, take a thorough bath.
- Keep vegetables or fruits or any dry thing in the sun for some time before using.
- Indulge in some hobbies like gardening, meditation, or family Satsang for at least one hour in the evening.
- Avoid watching TV or use of cell phones all the time especially bad news, crime-related episodes. It creates fear and depression.
- Reading good books, religious stories, and listening to good music, poems, and jokes beneficial for health.
- Try to increase your income and reduce unnecessary expenditure, thus become self-dependent.
- Do not take alcohol, gutka, cigarettes, paan masala, tobacco, etc. It is injurious to health.
- Try to be digital and use of computer and smart cell phone. Avoid cash; try to make payments online or transactions by other apps like paytm etc.
These are some of the guidelines beneficial to senior citizens to maintain a healthy lifestyle by following indoor exercises and yoga regimes, a healthy diet, sleeping, engaging in recreational activities, taking medicines regularly and staying positive and thus these proactive habits should become new normal lifestyle.
S C Chaturvedi
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