Indian Civilization, one of the oldest civilizations in the world, still holds itself relevant today. Many facts which the world researches over today, were proven centuries ago by some geniuses from India, this was possible only because back then we had a strong and effective education system which not only provided students with knowledge but also inculcated in them strong values and morals. They were taught facts but they were also taught life skills and morals. But the sad truth of toady is that one of the oldest education systems in the world is slowly losing its relevance today and the more shocking fact is that is has lost its relevance to the newer ones.
Nelson Mandela had said that education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world. Education empowers a person by making them aware. Education is a strong bridge that people use to walk from helplessness to competence and this can happen only if the system remains relevant with time. Today India’s education system is standing at such a point that the issues in this system need to be sorted so that it can reach its fullest potential.
India’s education system can prosper when some urgent attention is given to it and its problems. And one of the biggest problems of its problems is its grading systems. Currently, students are loaded with the pressure to score “good marks” as that is the only way that our system has allowed them to make their learning visible. This system has been successful enough to plant the seed of “good marks” in our brains. Students today strive to score good rather than actually understanding what is being taught in the class. The process of learning should be journey which each child shall enjoy and cherish as these learnings at school shall form a strong and endurable base for life. But it is very unfortunate to say that this journey of the young children is not memorable nor is it enduring as the system does not allow the students to. Rather this journey has become full of pressure and silence.
Everything on this planet needs movement and change from time to time because if they are left still, they will decay and soon die with time. Our education system which was supposed to be our weapon to fight the evils of the society, the education which was supposed to be our biggest tool of development really is decaying today. It stands today begging for quick and strong reforms. These can be small but need to be effective. One of the major ones amongst those reforms should be to comfort children and allow them to enjoy this process. Parents and teachers should encourage the students to think out of the box, they should encourage the students to be innovative, to ask questions and encourage them to search their own answers.
I would like to conclude over here with saying that today we have a limited our children into a small pool of education. Education is like the huge endless ocean; education is the boundless sky which allows oneself to explore and find their true self and explore their fullest potential. Let's leave our children in the boundless sky to fly in their own direction. Let's come together to support our children, lets together sharpen their axes of education in a complete form so that they can fight the evils of the society.
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