The word "DEPRESSION" is pretty common these days,the word which we throw around very easily,the word which we use to describe anything from a bad day to an overwhelming inability to live life.But as anyone with depression knows,it is much more than any one word can describe.It slowly takes away all the reasons to live,the life seems to be meaningless,deprives one of all the happiness and eventually that person forgets how it all began.
As an ivy extracts all the nutrients from the trunk of a tree in the same manner depression extract all the emotions from a person's life.When a person is in a state of depression he forgets to enjoy those moments which used to give him immense joy,he forgets to feel sad about those things which once used to make him cry,he forgets to show his anger for those things which used to annoy him the most.In short he becomes emotionless and lifeless.The zeal of living the life is lost somewhere.
Now the question is that why does a person suffers from depression? There is not one answer for this.There are many answers to this question like the lifestyle of a person,fear of getting judged,fear of failures,and what not.
Let's talk about the fear of getting judged.We all are born with some or the other imperfections and when we are not able to accept them we start pointing out the imperfections of others so that we can reduce our stress.It is alright to be fat,skinny,short or tall.One person can be ugly for others and beautiful for the rest.It is all about how we perceive things,it is all about the kind of people we surround ourselves with.There our people can find the reasons to be happy in the darkest of times and there are some who will cry in the sunshine.We just need to accept ourselves the way we are and not try to be someone else.We will be judged at every step of our life for the way we walk,talk,eat,sit or even at the way we laugh.The people who cannot bear all the toxicity fall into the trap of depression.they start hating themselves.They feel that they dont't fit into the society and everyone is better than them.
Another major issue these days is fear of failure.This fear can arise in the teenagers as well as adults.Well as a teenager I would like to talk from the perspective of a teenager only.There are many parents who expect a lot from their children and that expectation leads to fear in a child's mind.No child is born as a topper.Every child cannot be doing what other child is doing and these expectations lead to suicides.When a child feels that he is a waste and cannot achieve anything he feels that the only resolve to escape this is to commit suicide.
But there is a solution to this problem.When you feel that nothing is going as per your expectation then take a break and try to figure out why is it happening,do you really enjoy what you are doing or are you just doing it for the sake of someone else.Try to share your feelings with the person you are closest to,try to sort out the problems which you are facing.Depression is definitely not the end to anything and ending your life for some stupid people or some stupid reason only means that you are an escapist,you are a coward who could not face the hurdles of his life and ran away from them.
If you find anyone who is not in his best of spirits then try to help that person.Maybe he might tell you and you could be the reason for a new start to his life.Depression can be cured just by talking and sharing your problems with your near and dear ones and if you feel there is no one who will understand your problems then go for a therapy.Never feel that you are alone in this world,try to be optimistic because "happiness can be found in the darkest of times,if one only remembers to turn on the light."Try to avoid all the negativity from your life and even those people who have toxic traits.You can be a winner,the only requirement is to never give up.
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