Palagan.com : Vibha ji, congratulations on your achievement for winning this coveted prize. Please tell us some more about this award.
Vibha : Thank you so much Gyan Ji!
This beauty pageant is called Mrs Universe of Destination 2020 and it’s primierly divided into 4 categories (Married, Unmarried girls, Men and Kids) This is an annual feature.
Before this pageant I have participated in Mrs Delhi NCR as well and was selected as Ravishing Finalist of Mrs Delhi NCR 2019.
Palagan.com : So how did you prepare for this event. What in your opinion judges look for in a contestant.
In my opinion Judges look into your confidence, body language, how you carry your self and overall presentation.
How do you keep fit generally. Any specific diet regime that you follow. Please tell our readers about it.
I follow regular diet regime which includes Fruits, Salad, Juice and green vegetables and avoid oily foods. I am very particular about my daily physical exercise. I do not stress on too much gym training but should have a 1-2 hours of physical exercise daily to keep myself mentally and physically fit.
After being selected in audition I gradually started to focus on my health and appearance , selecting appropriate dresses, jewellery etc.
What message would you like to give to our youngsters who have no time to take care of themselves. Some tips for women on the go.
This is correct that in today’s time everybody is so preoccupied with his/her engagements, that they do not get enough time to focus on themselves but if someone is willing to spare 30 minutes of time for yoga and another 20-30 minutes of brisk walk then it will serve the purpose. Most important thing is to keep ourselves hydrated and have have atleast 3-4 meals in a day including fruits, salads at regular intervals.
For Women’s I would like to advise that be yourself, keep yourself motivated and love yourself.
Finally, being a married women one has a lot more responsibilities but if you manage your time well and with a little discipline you can achieve whatever you aspire for.
Thank you!
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