“All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother”, said Abraham Lincoln. With the start of the May every year preparations start to celebrate Mother’s day. Being celebrated on second Sunday of May Mother’s day is a special day providing an opportunity to children to express their gratitude to the person who is actually the reason of existence of human being. The modern Mother's Day was first celebrated in 1908, when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother at St Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia. In 1914, Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation designating Mother's Day, held on the second Sunday in May, as a national holiday to honour mothers. It is actually the day to express gratitude to the creator of the world in form of a human being. Poet and novelist Rudyard Kipling said, “Since god cannot be everywhere, so he made mother to be present everywhere”. What more can be said about the role of mother.
She is the only person on earth who keep working 24 x7 for her family. Taking care of husband, children, grand children, household, relationships and what not. With the times she is not only a homemaker but a professional too. In most of the families the mothers are working moms these days. Even the management institutes have agreed that all the mothers have the in-built system of management of all the things she manages, which others develop after being taught professionally. It is the expertise that the god has blessed to women alone to keep the balance in her work life and keeping pace with the happenings at the domestic ground too.
But it is not only the celebration that marks the day. There are people who cannot hold the tears whenever they think of their mother no more with them. With the times people have started realising that it is not a bad thing if you shed tears while thinking your mother. These tears are the reflection of your sacred love with your mother. It is nothing to be ashamed off. It is a thought getting stronger in the society, world over, that if Mother’s Day is difficult for you then give yourself permission to grieve. When holidays come, we often put expectations on ourselves to feel a certain way. We may think, “This is a special occasion. I have to put on a happy face and make the best of it.” But it’s okay to feel sad and even cry as it’s okay to be emotional on Mother’s Day. It’s also helpful to realize that emotions are not good or bad. They are just messengers that tell us about what’s going on in our lives. Sadness tells us, “You’ve lost something or someone important to you.” It’s not a sin to feel sad.
Whatever be the case be, you are feeling happy or sad, but Mother’s day is a day which should be celebrated the way your heart tells you. You have to hear your heart and not your brain on this day. But never miss to thinking and thanking your mother this mother’s day.
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