The emergence of the novel coronavirus or the COVID-19 in December 2019 & it's declaration as a pandemic by WHO just in a matter of few months is the recent event that has grappled the nations all over the world.Even the world's superpower & the largest economy,USA,has been brought down to it's knees by this unseen enemy.America has lost more lives to coronavirus now than it had lost in the whole Vietnam war.New York alone has reported more deaths due to the virus than from the 9/11 terror attacks.
With almost every country on the planet grappled & fighting with full resilience with the disease which has captivated almost 66% of the humanity to live inside their houses in lockdown including INDIA,I think it is the most propitious time for us to dig deep down within ourselves & come out with ideas that assist our society,our country to move ahead in this precarious situation.
Let us understand the scenario and it's importance today with an example.When PLAGUE killed almost 25% of the London's population,NEWTON,the scientist finally decided to move out of London to his home in his village almost 100 km away.He lived there completely alone for almost an year. It was then when he experimented with the sun rays that ultimately gave genesis to the ''Theory Of Optics''. The tree from which the apple fell on Newton's head was right in front of his house. Thus,the ''Gravitational Theory'' came out.Every discovery/innovation that have transformed the world has come into existence during similar circumstances only. Therfore,it has been rightly said,
"ज़िन्दगी में उसने बड़ी बात कर्ली
खुद से इसने मुलाकात कर्ली ।"
So,for us as a society,as Indians,it is the most accurate time that we prove our worth to our country.Everyone from the country need not go & stand at the border with guns to prove his jingoism & nationalism.We can contribute,help remaining where we are.Remember our former PM,Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri ??.When he appealed to the nationa to skip a meal one time weekly to overcome the acute shortage of food at that time, we all exhilaratingly supported him & came out of the problem.That's our strength,our collective unity!! Tough time demads consolidated & cooperative efforts from the society to face any trouble,especially of the magnitude of the disease today.
So,now it's the time.This is to remember that a person who eats 4 chapatis won't lose anything if he eats 3 for quite sometime.But,today those who're dieng from hunger,from poverty would bless us to the name of God if we gave up that extra chapati to them.Besides who knows that their blessings might help us come out through these tough times.
We've seen countries like USA & Italy,both with world's 1st & 2nd largest healthcare facilities in thw whole world are still wrestling today with the invisible virus.It's said that South Sudan,a central african country has 5 vice president but only 4 ventilators when USA alone has close to 1,70,000 ventilators.Still they're fighting.India,on the other hand,obviously lags far far behind in terms of healthcare system.We don't even spend 1% of the GDP compared to western countries spending a galloping 5-10% of GDP.
But inspite of all the facts and figures,what makes us stand out proudly is our age old civilization,our cultural values,our unity,our solidarity and our resilience to fight as we've been doing since ages. It's time back to take the charge again & prove our mettle to the world in the much needed supporting times. Time has come to teel the humanity that battles aren't won by wars but by our perseverance and the indomitable will.
Concluding with one of the poems from ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEES "दो अनुभूतियाँ "
गीत नया गाता हूँ, गीत नया गाता हूँ
टूटे हुए तारों से फूटे वासंती स्वर
पत्थर की छाती में उग आया नव अंकुर
झरे सब पीले पात, कोयल की कुहुक रात
प्राची में, अरुणिमा की रेख देख पाता हूँ
गीत नया गाता हूँ, गीत नया गाता हूँ
टूटे हुए सपने की सुने कौन, सिसकी?
अंतर को चीर व्यथा, पलकों पर ठिठकी
हार नहीं मानूंगा, रार नई ठानूंगा
काल के कपाल पर, लिखता-मिटाता हूँ
गीत नया गाता हूँ, गीत नया गाता हूँ
Thank You,
Vishwas Chaturvedi
152/38 Shipra Path,Mansarovar,Jaipur,Rajasthan-302020
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